Thursday, August 25, 2005

Time Magazine Sucks.

For those who still remember who he is - no, FB is not dead. And rumours of his Farewell Tour are greatly exaggerated. He's not fully vested in the Hot & Fresh 401k yet. He's just been on a recharging hiatus. He assures me that come Monday I will no longer be a sidekick sans hero. I think that was a compliment - or as close to one as he can get.

In any event, the reason I am bringing him up is that last night at the gym I was perusing the magazines and happened up Time magazine's The 25 Most Influential Hispanics In America. I don't know if you've read it yet, but if you haven't, I have some shocking news. Please sit down. Oh, right...internet, computer. Well, um, there's no easy way to say this.

We're not on the list.

That's right - neither FB nor moi made the cut on this supposedly comprehensive tome. Unlike many of the chosen ones, we don't speak Spanish. We haven't been married three times in seven years. We're not Attorney General. And we sure as hell don't like this in an evening gown. But seeing as I've never heard of most of the selected, I'd say we should have been given more careful consideration. Or a phone call to let us know where the party was going to be. Vanity Fair would have at least called us for the composite photo shoot.

I suppose all our contributions are too low key. That time I made rice and only burned like, half of the bottom? When FB learned to make chile rellenos from my grandmother? The fact that I've seen Like Water For Chocolate at least twice? Apparently these acheivments don't count for anything. So here, in front of El Dios and all of our readers, I'm throwing our sombreros in officially for next time. We will be on the next list and we may even be on the cover!

We'll see the Virgin of Guadalupe in every tortilla we happen upon. I'll eat menudo every weekend - hungover or not. FB will buy all of those mariachi records Linda Ronstadt made. We will not just go back to our roots, we will tend them, fertlize them and grow into the biggest, baddest Homo-American Hispanics on the vine. We will each be getting married and divorced at least three times in the next year. And who knows? Maybe the Attorney General position will be available if Rehnquist steps down from the Supreme Court after all. In any event, we'll be there. And we'll tell them that we owe all of it to our loyal Hot & Fresh readership. Well, almost all of it - we'll probably owe several big favors to the Mexican Mafia by the end of our campaign. But we'll be able to throw some kick ass fiestas.

Now, I don't want you think this is just about us. Other notables left off the list included: Lynda Carter (why, yes she is half Mexican), Trent (!), and Freddie Prinze, Jr.! Alright. Win some, lose some. If Wonder Woman beats you to list, you still win. And Trent's waay more established and has far more readers. If Buffy's Sarah Michelle's lesser half beats you at ping pong, you should call it a day. So our standing is still somewhere in between greatness and a half step away from cater-waiter. But we're climbing that ladder.

Look out Cantinflas! And stand aside Bumblebee Guy! J6 & FB are primed and poised to make every day gigante, not just Sabado. ¡Qué Lastima, bitches!


Este poste fue patrocinado por el ¡¡I Just Used Up All Of My Spanish!! Comité


Pimpin' said...

When I read the issue and noticed you weren't there, I was gonna tell you to fire your publicist(s), but I guess you've already done that.

Check out my verification word art:
z - Zany
e - Elephants
p - Perform
h - Haphazard
v - Vaults
a - Accidentally

Robert Allen Zimmerman said...

Homo-American Hispanics

Love it.

Is there any room on the ticket for some Puerto Rican girl who went to Puerto Rico and pretended to be Italian so no one shamed her for not speaking Spanish?

Matt S. said...

Well one thing is for sure you are the two most influential Hispanic-Americans in my life. "I'm just glad I don't know anyone who reads your little Time magazine anyway" Sorry I stole that quote from Zoolander.

Why am I so thoroughly confused by this damn word verification? Has the CIA taken over blogger security?

Incognito said...

Ouch... left out again... I guess I will be on the most influential whitewashed hispanics within zip code 85242 online between 10p-12a list... you guys will not be though :-P

My roommate gets mad at my bi-raciality. I am white when it's to my advantage... and hispanic when it gets me something. The way God truly intended.

Jay Six said...

armilish - hold that vote. Maybe we can get Newsweek to do a competing list.

pimpin' - We'd prefer that your word verification art be in Spanish from now on. We're doing an immerision program.

some girl - having pulled the same italian trick several times myself (most recently in san francisco), i saw welcome aboard!

chip - you'll be an honorary mexican in no time, just like the cheeto bandito.

adam - explain what being hispanic gets you. i am always adding to list of perks.

lady t said...

Hey,you want to read a really good magazine that discusses important issues? Check out this week's Entertainment Weekly with it's tribute to the Police Academy film series.

You don't see Time and Newsweek taking on such a potent cultural icon,now do you?:)

Oh,and cool shout out to Lynda Carter(who better have a cameo in the new Wonder Woman movie or heads will roll!).

Jake McCafferty said...

Combined, you guys are my favorite Hispanic.

Individually, however, you are tied for second. No. 1 is the guy who brings me the chips and salsa every day at lunch.