Friday, August 12, 2005

Faster Than A Speeding Bulletin...

Today we debut a periodic Hot & Fresh! feature: Jay & FB’s SuperHero Corner. Seeing as how I have an uncontrollable obsession with the Hero Generator program (thanks a lot, Jason!) I figure I might as well put it to good use. As we feel appropriate, more heroes will join the team roster. So without further adieu, I bring you today’s first official SuperHero Corner:

Ethan Solar (at left), mild-mannered Headmaster of the Brat Boy Academy for Gifted Bloggers, leads a double life. To his students, he’s the source of indispensable advice on fag hags, shaving, and how to make kick-ass homemade protein bars. But when duty calls, when the world needs a fire lit and light shone in darkest corners, his true nature reveals itself…

Enter: Phoebus (at right - duh!), demigod of fire and light, defender of the innocent! Stand in his way – we dare you.

Phoebus stands proudly with our founding members, Wonder (whoa!) Man, Wonder Lad, and Danny Man.

(Click the pics for a better look. And please be sure to check out the Brat Boy School Bulletin, where today Ethan will be displaying the raw material I began with to create his alter ego.)


This post was sponsored by the League of Extraordinarily Well-Mannered Gentlemen Committee.


Matt S. said...

you did a most excellent job in capturing Ethans physical qualities. Seriously though Jay you need to back away from the computer, I think I am going to see an episode of intervention on A&E sometime, and it will be FB ranting about your hero maker obsession. Have a good weekend boys!

Jake McCafferty said...

You are out of control and must be stopped. The first step to recovery is recognizing you have a problem. Jay, step away from the hero generator.

hbjock said...

Hey man, awesome Super Hero generator!

Robert Allen Zimmerman said...

So say, just for the sake of saying, I bought a box of Pop Tarts while I was on vacation. Where would I send the UPC from this hypothetical box of Pop Tarts?