Friday, August 12, 2005

I like backpacks and I cannot lie...

To tide you over while I write my real post for today, here's three random news items before we close out our week...

Who says cheerleaders are dumb?

Have you heard of the Kutztown 13? That was, uh 12 other guys.*

Has anyone else seen the Target "Baby Got Back," er, BackPack commercials? (More than anything, I'm bothered we who remember Sir Mix-A-Lot's biggest hit are apparently old enough to have school-age children.) Funny enough, I do need a new backpack and will no doubt be heading to Target for it. Whaddya know? Ads do work!

Later, Haterz!


*Brownie points if you get the reference. Literally, if you're local enough, I'll make you brownies!


Matt S. said...

I love that the captin of the cheerleading squad's name is actually Kimmie, you have to be joking me, that is too funny.

I go nutty every time that damn Target commercial play (every 30 seconds) I start singing along, I am slowing driving myself insane!

lady t said...

I was hoping it wasn't just me who went"WTF?!" at those Target ads. This kills me-there was recently a commercial with the tagline"You bet your sweet Aspercreme!" that has now been changed to"You bet if it's Aspercreme!" yet,Target can use a booty licious song to sell backpacks.

Is this Bizzaro World?