Monday, August 08, 2005

Cowboys ain't easy to love and they're harder to hold.

How about a big hand for FB’s wonderful guest post on Breakfast at Tiffany’s last week? A big thanks to Jake for borrowing my best friend and giving him back with no dents, scratches or neuroses that weren’t there already. If all is going according to plan, FB should be acting as a roving reporter at a Hollywood premiere event right about now. He’ll have a trusty sidekick hero support on hand as well, so tomorrow should be filled with plenty of photo-bloggy goodness. We now return to our regularly scheduled blogging…

Lured by the prospect of cute boys and the promise of cotton candy, FB & I attended our first gay rodeo this Saturday. It also happened to be our first rodeo – period. Well, the cotton candy never materialized (and how can you throw a rodeo – especially a gay rodeo - without cotton candy?!?), but the cute boys did, in the form of Pimpin’ (Mr. Pimpin’ if you’re nasty*) and Ceiting. If you’re not smokin’ what my fellow L.A. bloggers are rollin’, you’re missing out. Being a rodeo veteran, Pimpin’ showed us the ropes (not literally – I don’t usually do that until at least the fourth date…). By the end of the day, everyone walked away with something: FB learned the differences between a steer, a bull, and a cow, courtesy of Pimpin’. Ceiting found the cowpoke love of his life, courtesy of FB (I’ll be waiting for an invitation to the wedding, Ceiting…). Pimpin’ got about 50 extra-lubricated condoms, courtesy of the fella sitting next to us, who happened to be a rep for the company. (Hopefully, you’ll find a good use for them this week in Vegas, kiddo.) And I got about 12 of those same condoms, courtesy of Pimpin’, cause he’s a generous guy like that.

Now, some of you may know that last week, FB officially welcomed Matt S. to our little L.A. chapter of the Hater Nation. Based on Saturday, I’d say Pimpin’ D & C-Note (as I’ve dubbed them for no particular reason) are definitely worthy of lifelong membership in the same club. Thanks for the great time, boys! We really do need to work on those t-shirts…

Happy Monday folks!


*And trust me, folks, if you’re reading this blog, you’re most assuredly nasty. It’s Mr. Pimpin’ to all of you…


Matt S. said...

Oh, I am so excited the club is expanding! I think that I will be making a SoCal trip in November sometime, so we might have to have our first full meeting when I venture out that way, just have the tequilla ready!
"With our powers combined..."

Jay...your new mission, and FB, Ceiting, and Pimpin should put their input in too, is to think of a fun nickname for me too!

Jake McCafferty said...

Did you really allow those two to go out alone? We'll see them in about a week.

kinkyrhombus said...

mr. pimpin? ha, i laugh with lots of mock. thanks for the kudos cuties! you two are hilarious darlins!

the wedding invitations will be in the mail next week. unfortunately my soon to be hubby's weight exceeds the safety limit on the horse drawn carriage.

Jay Six said...

Matt - you owe me a drink, remember? But it's a date nonetheless. I'll be workin' hard on the nickname.

Jake - If the fagtastic two aren't heard from soon, I plan to alert the local autorities. Not to file a missing persons report, just to give a heads up on the damage they might cause.

Ceiting - I assume your hubby to be will be pulling the carriage then? Tee-hee!

Matt S. said...

I owe you an infinate amount of drinks, I'll bring the tequilla you bring your drinking shoes.

You are too sweet, I love any reference when I can be compared to a skanky girl... You know me too well!