Wednesday, August 17, 2005

OK, the the gay blogging mafia has slowed down it's activities a little: between FB's dogsitting keeping him on minimal blog this week, Jake's work vacation, and Jason's computer crashing almost a week ago (!), cynics might scoff "This will be a light blogging week."

Well, fuck those naysayers. Fuck 'em hard.

Tragic Demise has got a trilogy of trashy fun with Matt's Ricki Lake story. And Pimpin' D's got, among other things, a continuing Vegas saga. (I'm heavy with the link love this week - what can I say?) And yours truly has posted like crazy this week ! So while we all await the return of our friends on sabbatical, never fear: the fort is being held down. And we'll kick even more ass when they return.


And today is Belinda Carlisle's 47th birthday. As far as we know, she hasn't fallen off of a horse today. Which reminds me: the same year I listened to Roxette too much, I was also listeniing to Belinda's Runaway Horses album. Just had to share one more embarassing factoid....


Today I found an email from last October. Subject: maybe you need a blog. The rarely discussed fact is this: not only is FB the funnier of of our little Vaudeville act, he's also the reason I'm blogging. And I wasn't any good at it until he jumped on board. So although he's in and out this week, there is never a moment of this blog that doesn't have FB written all over it. Especially the boring stuff. Blame him for that shit.

I've got a hot date with the gym tonight. Tomorrow's post(s) should be more profound. After all I think that tonight I'll be getting more than five hours of sleep - I hear that helps the brain to work properly.

It's Hump Day. So hump someone you love. Or at least someone who you like. Or the nearest table - whatever.


kinkyrhombus said...

yeah yeah yeah, i havn't posted in a while. i'm getting on it, eventually. it's my last week of summer vacation! not that it's even a vacation.

Jake McCafferty said...

I actually made it online tonight. And the Ricki Lake story really is funny.

Matt S. said...

I have been so bored in the gay blogging world as of late, no one is bloggin, you, David, and Matty are the only thing that is keeping me sane-ish.
I miss Jason's Room like crazy, it is weird you don't really notice that you have an addiction until your drug of chioce is suddenly cut out of your life and you are left shivering and twitching on the floor without it.

Jake McCafferty said...

Matt S., I'll try not to take offense at that.