Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Last week, ChipSlip tagged us - kinda sorta.

The rules are as follows: List ten songs that you are currently digging ... it doesn't matter what genre they are from, whether they have words, or even if they're no good, but they must be songs you're really enjoying right now. Post these instructions, the artists, and the ten songs in your blog. Then tag five other people to see what they're listening to.

I have no plans to tag anyone by responding but we love us some Chip, so I am going to post this. It won't be as funny as Tony's recent response to being tagged (by one of our other favorite Matts). But it should be painless. I'm also doing only five because FB counts as the other half of the tag, if you ask me. He can put up his five if he feels like it.

1. Candace Devine, Kissed You Again. This a very good friend of FB's out in the "real world." She's amazing and and amazingly nice. And she deserves to be heard. Of the four previews on her website, this one gets stuck in my head the most. More can be heard at her MySpace Music corner.

2. Roxette, Fading Like A Flower (Every Time You Leave). In my freshman year of high school, while everyone else was banging their heads to Guns 'N' Roses' Use You Illusion I & II, I was stuck on Joyride. I can't tell you why, but I also can't bring myself to get rid of my Roxette CDs.

3. Elvis Presley, Suspicious Minds - 28 years ago he left the building for real. This is the only song of his I absolutely love.

4. The Nat "King" Cole Trio, Straighten Up and Fly Right - The King to me, was Mr. Cole.

5. Joni Mitchell, Lucky Girl - My life is incomplete without Joni. Especially the stuff nobody else likes.

That's it for tonight. See you all Wednesday!


p.s. don't forget to say a little prayer for Madge!

1 comment:

Matt S. said...

You are so right Jay, "Suspicious Minds" is the best Elvis song, I am not a fan, but that song is great.
I will have to check out the Roxette song, I am not familiar with that one, but "Joyride" is one of my favorite songs.
Thanks for doing the meme, I know it was silly, and you still did it, this is why I love my Jay so much!