Thursday, August 18, 2005

Full Moon Fever

Today, some woman at work told me my new hairstyle resembled her father's toupee. Try as I may, I couldn't take that as a compliment.

Then some kids referred to me as "that scary man" as I walked past them to get into my apartment building.

Last night, the cutie trainer at the gym didn't call me "sir," making me believe he doesn't think I look ancient anymore. That's a plus.

Finally, my roommate is sick. As I walked in, she asked me to bludgeon her to death and end her suffering. (Believe me : my roomie is tough as nails. This must be bad.) I explained that I couldn't for two reasons: A) "You have a boyfriend now - that's his job," and B) "If my name's not on the insurance policy, all this means is I have to search for a new roommate."

Now, I don't know how much there is to the whole full moon driving people crazy thing, but I feel it coming nonetheless. Sure, the evidence is spotty at best. People, if you ask me, are never very nice to each other if they don't have to be. And kids are always cruel. And roommates, even the lion-hearted ones, do get sick. And the weather hasn't been too wonky lately. Except for that freak thunderstorm everyone woke up to but me.

But that hair crack is sticking with me. You see, I am growing my hair out a bit. How much is "a bit"? I don't know yet. When it's too long, I'll tell you. Or cut it. Or both. Right now, it's in that "in-between" phase, the one where every other day I'm tempted to shave in all off and start from scalp. I was too dumbfounded to explain to my well-meaning, if slightly misguided associate. (She said my hair was looking a little too flat. With that I couldn't disagree - I woke up late this morning and rushed out of the house with minimal primping time.) But other people have been complimenting my hair lately. My favorite co-worker told me the new do was very Beatle-esque. Another recently called it very "movie star." So maybe it just looked bad today. And maybe I'm just too sensitive because of the full moon coming on.

To make myself feel better, I must note that Jason is back after his unexpected week off. And Jake has a connection while traveling, so we get a Breakfast At Tiffany's - On The Road Edition!! So, no, despite an apparent bad hair day, life isn't all bad.

Still, I'm going to wear a hat to the gym tonight. I can't take any chances that the guy who I suspect may be Andrew McCarthy seeing me with my toupee on.


This post was sponsored by the My Comb-over! Committee.

UPDATE (12:31am Friday) Two funny things to add...A) the guy at the gym is definitely not Andrew McCarthy. Darn. And I've one last one to add to my "people say the shittiest things when the moon is full" list. I took my lunch knapsack with me to gym to hold my wallet and such while I worked out. (I don't do the locker. I have lock issues. Don't ask. Long story). Anyhow, after the gym I stopped into Coffee Bean to feed my addiction and heard this as I was leaving.

Barista: "See? He has a man-bag. I'm gay enough for that, too."

Not my day, I guess. I should have gone and taken back the tip I'd dropped in the jar.


Incognito said...

Just in case you didn't check... McMatt's little Nude Jude thing made him jump a thousand hits ahead of you guys with your race to 10,000... not that I am trying to start anything.

Jay Six said...

Damn you I.Q.!!! You're one hell of a shit-starter. Eh, I'm happy for him. He'll get there first, but we'll beat him to 20,000. :P

kinkyrhombus said...

i want a man bag. mont blanc has pretty man bags.

i was bored tonight, someone was using his superpower of invisibility or something.

Matt S. said...

People do say shitty things around the full moon, I was at work yesterday, and I was wearing my favorite shirt, which I thought was very cute. Anyway my boss's son came in and I was talking with him, and he asked why I dressed like a clown. I nearly kicked the bastard across the room.

P.S. I bought a Jack Spade man bag last Summer, I love it, it is so handy sometimes!

Matt S. said...

Oh, and keep growing your hair, I tried to do the WB cut (that's what I call longer hair because every guy on WB has that surfer hair) but I got too impatient and cut it all off. Stay strong my friend!

N2B said...

just cut it all off... buzz cuts are hot! (as long as you don't have a knobbly head)

Jay Six said...

OMG - WB hair. That is EXACTLY what I'm looking for. Now I have a name for it. Thanks, Chip.

So...two Matts, two different opinions. I do see a buzz cut in my future, but I'm gonna try and at leat have longish hair through the end of the year. A buzz cut is next on my agenda, though...

Maybe I should put this to a poll next week.

Jake McCafferty said...

I like my hair like I like my butts: high and tight.

Robert Allen Zimmerman said...

Okay boys. Please stop calling it a man bag; I believe the correct terminology is "Murse."

Jay Six said...

OK, so Jake might not be a fan of my hair, unless I pull it up in a bun. But he would like my butt. Check.

And I refuse to use to term "Murse" unless I am referring to a male nurse. But I know one of those and I don't want to hurt his feelings. (Besides, wouldn't we have to call purses "Wurses" then?)