Sunday, August 07, 2005

O, Danny Man...

By special request (and how could we ever say no to this guy?!?), J6 & FB present:

Jake McCafferty, Scot-Irish Superhero Extraordinaire! Fortified with power of the Catholic Christ, Celtic tradition and a battle axe. And his trusty python, Lil' Jake (not pictured as this is a family blog. Let's just say St. Patrick didn't drive all of the snakes out of Ireland...)


lady t said...

Whoa,nice battleax! Of course,now I'm thinking about those Capital One ads with the barbarian hordes,especially the new one where they have to get different jobs(the nightclub comedian bit is cool). Pretty sweet,tho,seriously.

Jake McCafferty said...

I got a big axe, too! Love the kilt too. Funny, thanks.