Monday, August 08, 2005

I'm the only one who knows that Disneyland's about to close...

To cap off this rare day of solo blogging, here's a long-overdue photo from the trip to Disneyland:

I'm not British so I'm totally on the wrong side of the car. Also, I can't drive (that's right I live in Los Angeles and I don't drive). Another post for another day...

Better late than never. The ball's in your court, Tony. Tee hee!


Matt S. said...

Jay, no seatbelt? I am so disappointed in you!

Jay Six said...

The Autopia cars only have a lap belt. Apparently, if your car never goes above 5 miles per second, there isn't much danger of being ejected forcibly...

Jake McCafferty said...

If I pretend to hitchhike, will you pick me up? ;-)

Jay Six said...

Hop in the golden convertible, cutie!