Friday, July 08, 2005

Letter To A Friend

Dear Sleep -

Sorry we haven't been better friends. But when Jason asked if I wanted to go to that midnight screening of F4*, how could I say no? And I'll be at Disneyland tomorrow, so you won't see much of me tomorrow, either. I know I take you for granted a lot. You, in turn, take it out on me by leaving those lines under my eyes that I'm forced to battle with RevitaLift moistuerizer. But I know we can work it out. Remember how bad our relationship was during my youth - like that time I stayed up for two days straight when I was 7? If we survived that, we can get through this rough patch. Besides, I'm not very good company in the night anyway. I kick and steal the covers and have the occasional nightmare.

Still, I'll see you Sunday, OK?

- J.

*Hi readers! I just want to say I completely agree with Jason's take on Fantastic Four. It was good, family fun and although Doom could have been more fleshed out, I enjoyed myself. And for you homos and women who like men, Chris Evans was shirtless plenty and it was, well, fantastic.

P.S. - OK, MTV & Vh1. I take back what I said about your Live8 coverage. This makes up for it. Unless you aren't including the Madonna performance. Then we're broken up again. Except for Real World/Road Rules Challenges. We'll call those "break-up sex."


Matt S. said...

You had me at Chris Evans shirtless...

Jake McCafferty said...

Let's face it, had a cute guy not been the one who invited you to the flick, you would be zzzzzzzzzzzz-ing still.

Jay Six said...

Jason is cute, true. However, I was just excited to have someone else to geek out with. Don't go startin' any rumours now!