Wednesday, July 20, 2005

It's not aptitude, it's the way you're viewed...

I've had "Popular" from Wicked stuck in my head since about Thursday of last week. You know that trick where you play the song in your head over and over until it goes away? Not working.

However, as I watched briefly the announcement of the Supreme Court nominee and the torrent of coverage that followed, the song in my head suddenly seems as apropos as anything:

...Think of celebrated heads of state or
Specially great communicators
Did they have brains or knowledge?
Don't make me laugh!
They were popular! Please!

Just what's in my head right now. More later.



Incognito said...

You are too funny. I have had that song in my head for almost a month now. I listened to it over and over again while driving to and from work. And by listened I mean sung along to... loudly.

I am trying to excerise Chenowith's demons by listening to the regular alternative stuff I usually listen to in my car, but it still pops up whenever I am bored. Love it!

lady t said...

I've suffered thru the song stuck in the head syndrome too. Speaking of Willy Wonka,after seeing Charlie & the Chocolate Factory,I watched Willy Wonka and had "I want it now!" on mental repeat for days. Veruca Salt is one of the best mini-bitches,right after Nellie Olsen.