Friday, July 01, 2005

July already...?

So June (aka as my birthday month) is over. It feels like I have nothing to show for the past six months. My room is still a mess, I'm not any richer, and I feel like I haven't written nearly enough on this damn blog. On the other hand, I've rehshaped my body siginifcantly since hitting the gym became part of my weekly routine. My room's been way messier before, I'm not any poorer (Ha! like that's possible...), and I have only been back at this blog since April. I'd say I haven't done bad, even if BF (or whatever he's gonna end up going by these days) is still kicking my ass the blog thing.

This little corner of the online world that I type out has been so many things - all of them amazing. Therapy. Bloodletting. Mirror. Meeting place. Things that I've put out there have come back to me in so many unexpected ways. I've made friends and gained so many new perspectives to see this world from. Friends who knew me before this blog now read it somewhat regularly. Some even blog themselves now. In some strange way, it's made me more social out in the "real" world, too. So much for the dorkus malorkus stereotype, huh?

My Best Friend (let's just call him The Artist, since that name's free again. Thanks, Prince!) and I have grown so much closer by sharing this experience. He has always wanted me to write more and especially with him. I never managed to. A writer's muse is finicky, and mine was no exception. But when I thought about it, I started this blog at his suggestion. I restarted this blog at his insistence. And he was my only reader for at least six months. So I could I not share this with him. I think you'll agree, the blogosphere is better for it.

So what's on the agenda for the next six months? Bigger, better blogging. More solid workouts. And love, love, love. My room can stay messy (or not - I'll clean up eventually). My wallet can stay skinny - for now. So long as I have the Snarkhives to go back into and prove to myself I did something, I'll be happy. And so, I hope, will you.


This post was sponsored by the Six Months Under Committee.


Jake McCafferty said...

And they said it wouldn't last ...

Anthony said...

I understand completely about wanting to be able to look back on the archives and see that you have actually done something.

Just don't... um... accidently delete your blog when you um... change layouts or something. That can be a problem for... some people, I hear.