Wednesday, April 13, 2005

Swingin' in the rain...

Ever notice that music is everywhere you go? No matter what, you cannot avoid it. It might blare out of a car window while you're on the freeway. It might be in the background of your favorite film. It might just be that collection of over 1000 cds you're struggling to squeeze into your tiny room. (OK - that last one might just be me!)

Or it might be the guy at your gym who's singing loudly as if he were in a private shower at home. He's not of course. He's not even in one of the private stalls. He's in the communal shower room. And he's not very good. But he's cute. He has a great ass. (Of course I looked.) And he only started singing right after he noticed an audience - the very 'mo who is typing this entry. He shot me the look - the one all Moes give one another to ID ourselves covertly. And his song selection? "One More Try" by George Michael. Complete with an attempt at "touch yooooou..." in full-on falsetto.

It wasn't until I was halfway home that I realized he might have been trying to tell me something with that song choice. It all flashed by so quickly. Well, it didn't all flash by, just the aforementioned back forty, but I digress... I never considered that he was cruising. In any event, sometimes I wish I had a camera crew following me around. My life itself may be pretty boring, but what goes on in this world every day is worth saving.

And I've saved this moment. Here's hoping you enjoyed reading it.


p.s. - based on today's post over in Jason's Room, it looks like Jason might enjoy my gym! Jason's blog is highly recommended by the way - he's really funny and a much better writer than he gives himself credit for. Check it out.

This post was sponsored by the Too Much Information Committee.

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