Tuesday, April 19, 2005

On The Town...

Going to ramble tonight. Since almost nobody's reading, I'm sure nobody minds...

On the way home from the gym tonight, I stopped by the grocery store. As I was standing in line, I realized that although I don't really live in L.A., this could not have been a more El-Lay Express Lane. I had my required eating on board: green apples, a jug of protein drink, Clif bars and other assorted health food. The lady in front of me, who was obviously an agent, talking to a client on her headset non-stop while shopping, continued to wheel and deal while her trail mix and Green Machine were being checked out. The guy in front of her looks like he just finished his final Tour de France and is buying lots of water and Powerbars. And of course at the very front of our line is a genuine soap stud. I didn't notice what he was buying - I was too busy trying to catch the reaction of everyone who recognize, including the cashier. It's apparently shocking that a working actor might be mixed in among us mortals, buying food no less!

On the bus ride home, I got to hear the driver talk about how he used to work security for the studios. He was very fond of James Garner and not so fond of Kenny Rogers. And Jack Nicholson - get this! - is quite the prankster. One of these days, I am actually going to ride until the end of the line, notebook in hand, just to see how much I can record that you would never believe was actually said.


I personally think that crushes bite - especially as you approach *shudder* 28. I'm trying to adapt to a particularly shitty day week at work and all I can think about is...well you get the picture. Sometimes feeling sixteen is a great thing. Other days? Not so much.


I've got an ongoing project - a few friends and I are planning on making compilation CDs we think encapsulate ourselves. But I can't narrow it down from 84 songs. I checked the length of the playlist - it's 5.4 hours. I'm thinking I might be able to make it so I give a different CD to each important person in my life. I'm an extreme Gemini, so it actually makes a lot of sense. Also, I'll be able to format to each person's tastes in addition to the persona of mine they're most familiar with. I'll be posting some of the tracklists I'm thinking of in the coming posts, so feel free to offer ideas on how I should order things, etc.


I guess that's it for tonight. Now playing: Those Three Days, by the great Lucinda Williams. Favorite lyric: "You managed to crawl inside my brain/You found a hole and in you came." I think we've all been there.


This post was sponsored by the Insomnia Makes For Great Blogging Committee.

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