Wednesday, April 20, 2005

Barbarella & the Beast

Check out what happened to Jane Fonda today. See? Liberals aren't the only ones capable of random acts of public stupidity. Just because she's "Hanoi Jane" doesn't make it OK, no matter what your feelings are. (For more true/false clarification on Fonda's Vietnam activites - and apologies, natch! - see the always excellent Snopes.)

As I said here and here and referenced here, this kind of behavior is unacceptable, no matter who perpetuates it and who the victim is. And before I start seeing people rant about how the MSM (mainstream media, for the uninitiated) is covering this more than it did Ann Coulter's pie, let's be real here: if you go up to ten people on the street, which name or picture do you think they'd be more apt to recognize?

Net Disaster, people, it's all about Net Disaster!


UPDATE: Michelle and I are apparently on the same wavelength. Wow.

This post was sponsored by the Poltical Foosball Committee.

1 comment:

Jake McCafferty said...

Thanks for the comment and adding me to your blogroll. I've done the same, and although I doubt we'll agree with each other again, I agree with you on this.

I'll check out more of your blog as I have time, but loved the Thanksgiving story. "Smoked" turkey. Heh.