Friday, April 08, 2005

Last night's post is Lost In Space...

...or wherever old socks go when they disappear in the dryer.

The ether ate last night's brilliantly worded post about why Michelle Malkin is not a cunt, but she is awfully sensitive. If you're going to blog so prolifically, passionately and controversially, you should really develop thicker skin. I'll admit it: Liberals used to corner the market on the oppressed victim defense. But now it seems that everyone and anyone makes good use of the third grade staple "(S)he started it!" to preface their hypocritical attack on "the other side." Wake up, Auntie Coulter - you and Uncle Franken are bedfellows whether you like it or not.

That being said, self-avowed liberals should still refrain from childish name calling or hurling pies at people speaking there opinion. Yes, it happened again. And charges will be reportedly pressed this time. And no - that's not the David Horowitz of Fight Back! fame. It's this guy. No - I don't like what he has to say. But I wouldn't assault him for it. And neither should you.


This post was sponsored by the Political Foosball Committee.

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