Thursday, November 24, 2005

Giving, thanking, blogging.

Today is Thanksgiving Day. More on that later. Today is also my one-year Blog-o-versary. I don't think many of you were here for the first post. Here's a recap:

In the beginning...

It's really come to this. After years of annoying friends, family, and anyone within the sound of my voice, I feel compelled to bother anyone and everyone who Googles certain subject matter. Let me start this one of on the right foot: Sorry about that. Feel free to hit that handy little "Back" button on whatever portal it is you've gotten here through now. I promise I won't be offended.

That all still applies. But in a show of gratitude appropriate to the day, I feel compelled to say Thank You to all of you haven't hit that "Back" button. Thanks to those of you who have blogrolled, commented, emailed and generally wished well. This has been an amazing experience and continues to be. As if I didn't spend enough time in front a computer, you all have given me some great excuses to fritter away more hours. I hope you find that I've done a little of the same.

Last Thanksgiving, I was grateful for a few things. This year I'm still grateful for those things and tons more. The loved ones who've stuck by me in good and bad are at the top of the list. This year I spent T-Day with a group people I'd never met and had the best time sitting around and talking TV and the backside of the entertainment industry. It was the kind of Thanksgiving after-dinner conversation you could only have in L.A. - I wish I could share details but unless I know you in person, I can't share. But I will have as complete a write-up as possible tomorrow. Funny stuff and most of it will be true!

Nobody's reading over the holiday, I imagine, but like I said, I'm thankful anyone's reading at all. Here's to another year, kids.


This post was sponsored by the Thank You, Indians Native Americans Committee.

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