Wednesday, September 28, 2005

First off, here's an answer to Matty McMattMatt's meme challenge: The fifth sentence of my approximate 23rd post is, "And if those break, all hell follows." No, I will not be tagging anyone - but you're all free to dig through your own archives and see what you find. I had to approximate because many of those old posts were on the same day and just didn't have five sentences to them! I must have been listening to Johnny Cash's "The Man Comes Around" when I wrote that one...

Secondly, tonight is the second episode of the second season of Lost - I was more than a little disappointed by that cliffhanger ending last season, but I got completely sucked in again last week. As a result, I will again not post something decent until later in the day. This little aside doesn't count as my post for the day. I will have something up tonight and something in time for Chip Slip to a read a same day post tomorrow.

In the meantime, here's the latest funny search of the internets that led someone to my humble abode:

Admittedly, "husky!" (apologies to Ms. Cho) is not as funny as gay sex, but I am forever fascinated by the wacky ways we finds what we needs on the nets. See ya soon, kids!


This post was sponsored by the Wait For It... Committee.

1 comment:

Matt S. said...

That still cracks me up that you can wear boys husky clothes. That is so cute J! I can just imagine FB trying to hide the lables from you while you are trying them on.