Tuesday, May 17, 2005

It's a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad Weekend!!!

In our first joint publishing venture, BF & Jay Six(in red) are proud to present

May 13, 2005 - May 15, 2005
The Weekend That Was: A Story in Four Acts

Friday: Miss Kitty's-
A really fun night. Our first time at Miss Kitty's is worth about three separate posts. I made out with a guy who'd made adult films - to the tune of "Love To Love You, Baby." The night's theme was a crazy camp, 80's horror movie, boyscout thing. J and I decided to opt for the more conservative Boy Scout dress code. J had a few Boy Scout shirts in his closet so we just ransacked that for our wardrobe that night. Why you ask does J have Scout uniforms on hand??? Play dress up with him and find out. *blush* Okay, sorry. Just residue kinkiness left over from Miss Kitty's. J was so cute. His outfit came complete with a Cub Scout trucker hat. Very nice touch. I got asked who my Scoutmaster was. I pointed quickly to BF. (We have an agreement: Unless the boy in question's super hot, we're a couple.)
But the best dressed that night was a guy dressed up as a giant S'More. Yup, the graham crackery, chocolatey, and marshmellowy campfire treat. The back of his oversized cardboard graham cracker read, " The Official S'More Whore.......Eat Me". It was brilliant!! When I went up to compliment him on his outfit he gave me a marshmallow. He had a bag to pass them out. How thoughtful!! He was nice. I was concerned because the guy was obviously tweaking - what if he'd spiked the marshmallow?!?!
Then we danced to bad music that went on for-evah. Last time I went it was way better. Tru dat - I danced to "I Love Rock 'n' Roll and heard BillyIdol last time. But we managed to boogie off the calories from our drinks and have a good time. The best part of the night was the sausage sucking competition. We saw a guy deep throat two ends of a huge kilbasa. At. Once. Wow. He was a circus or circuit performer. Talented, just talented. But we had to get up early the next day, so we left around midnight thirty...
Saturday: Pt. 1 The Alex Theatre-
I love LA and it's history so I find things to do that reinforce my love of this crazy town. I talked J into going on the tour of The Alex Theater. He actually is starting to fall for my brainwashings and is becoming more like me when it comes to LA. But actually we both like doing cultural things to keep our brains from rotting and this one was perfect- it was free! The best phrase in the world. Beside's free Steve Madden Shoe Day. But that doesn't happen enough...or ever. The tour itself started at 10:00 a.m. A little early but we were prompt because we were still in Boy Scout mode. The tour went through the the whole theater. A real behind the scenes tour. We got to see dressing rooms, and the projection room. The stage and the balcony. They were setting up for a concert that night and that only added to the splendor of this palace. The tech guy portion of the tour was a little snoozey but other than that two thumbs up!!! Oh yeah one other thing...it was Free!!!! Can't really complain. Here are two more shots from our tour....
Image hosted by Photobucket.com
Image hosted by Photobucket.com
Saturday: Pt. 2 Lucifer's Four Seasons Birthday Party-
Okay, our friend is crazy just like us. So when we get together with her and her fabulous husband, we turn into the road company of One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest: The Musical. We had such fun and I got to actually eat real food. I made chocolate dipped strawberries and J made his popular goat cheese pizza. BF neglected to mention he also made a wonderful hummus pizza. YUM. YUM. We also made super chocolate explosion brownies. Here's the recipe: One packet of double chocolate brownies. Add egg, oil, water, & chocolate chips. Bake according to directions. Let cool briefly and smear with chocolate frosting. Serve with cold milk. Develop immediate sugar rush and possibly diabetes. Yum indeed.
When we all get together we play board games. Sounds old persony but we play for keeps. J and I always pick fights with each other when we're on opposing sides. Actually we fight when we're on the same team but we especially get nasty when competing with each other.
We came up with the four seasons by accident. We throw crazy parties and we have to have a theme for each one. Our Very Merry Virgin Mary X-mas Party is the stuff of dreams. So we made crowns for us to wear and we accidentally came up with crowns that represented the season in which we were born in. I was winter, J was summer, Lucifer was spring and her husband was fall. We all compliment each other well. It only makes sense why J and I fight so hard. We're opposite seasons and we just can't be nice about it. Yes we can, stupid. Oh...
We had fun and Par-Tayed until 2:30 or something late. I actually started falling asleep before the last game was quite over and yet I still almost won!
Sunday: WeHo Church, KooKooRoo, and We Met Jason (without his Room)-
So J and I are big fans of Jason's Room Blog and we recently read about his upcoming talk at the WeHo Church. It was rather good timing since I've been itching to get back into a church groove and J and I have never been to a gay (or even gay-friendly) church before. So everything alligned brilliantly and we decided to go see Jason talk rather than type.
We rolled out of bed more exhausted than a fluffer on old timers night (nice one). But we had to pull ourselves together to look good enough not to scare Jason so bad that he would never want to meet internet people again. So with a pound of spackle, product and lotion we gussied ourselves up enough so we wouldn't get confused with zombies having a bad hair day and we headed over to Boy's Town. Now we're both actually rather surprisingly shy. I'm not sure if that comes across in our blog, but we are. So meeting people for the first time is fun but a little hard. Meeting people and sex with strangers are oddly similar acts. Actually, sex with strangers is easier.
Knowing full well that this was a casual affair, we still put on our finest button downs. So not only were we the newbies (how long has it been since we've been that?!?!), we were obvious newbies. Yeah, I was a lil' embarrassed about that. I felt so Catholic being dressed up. Damn guilt. But everyone was really nice(and how!!!) and we enjoyed the service a lot. Jason gave a talk from the heart and was ever the cutie we expected. But being slightly shy, we didn't approach him right away. We did go over to KooKooRoo, where we were treated to a lovely lunch and got to meet some great people. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Jason leaving. I couldn't let this moment pass - I ran to him and introduced myself. The curtain that is the world wide web was lifted. Jason was/is super sweet and it was great to meet. He really was. I looked like the jerk because I stayed at the table talking to someone. I didn't want to be rude and bolt out of that convo to start another. But Jason was sweet and came over to me. I felt my breeding had failed me. Where were my manners??? But he was nice about it. He didn't seem disgusted by my lapse in proper manners.

Well, how was that? Not bad for the first time? Our tag team post is done. Anytime we do a joint post it'll be under the name The Management. It's not someone new. Just your old fav's fused into one single mess. Stay Cool, and Have a Bitch'n Week!!!!

The Management


Anthony said...

I'm just confused.

Someone explain this: "(We have an agreement: Unless the boy in question's super hot, we're a couple.)"

Jay Six said...

I should have clarified: we pretend to be a couple if we're not into a guy who's hitting on one of us. We were a couple for like six minutes a lifetime ago, but our Fleetwood Mac phase is over. I'm Stevie, no matter what BF says. ("Super-hot" is a relative definition, by the way.)

Joel said...

Awesome duel posting. I hope you don't mind that i added you guys to my daily reads list! Awesome blog btw.

Joel said...

Oh and would love to talk to you guys more abotu the whole we are BF's but we play? Did I get that right? Cause my bf and I have been treading down this path.