Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Two Queens, A Princess & A Magic Kingdom.

As is tradition, FB's birthday (psst! he's 28 now...) was celebrated at the Happiest Place on Earth this weekend. Disneyland is always an experience when The Princess, FB 7 Yours Truly descend. A minimum of 10 hours is spent and since we get in for free (hooray for friends on the inside!), food is bought like crazy. Of course, with nearly ten hours of walking, a few extra calories come in handy.

As it turns out, a few hundred of those calories saved this boy in a big way. I always seem to have a headache when we get down to Disneyland - I say it's because I'm allergic to the O.C. It usually calms down a few hours into the day but on Saturday I just couldn't shake it. The it hit me: for the first time in the months since I began taking my happy pills, I forgot to take one. And my body was crying for a seratonin release that it can't acheive on it's own. I tried sugar, chocolate, and a giant chili burger. It got a little better, but not much. We rode the Tower of Terror to see if the adrenaline rush kick started me. Two rides later I actually felt a little worse. It was time to turn to my old addiction. One large Pepsi later, and all was well. Sometimes all it takes to make J. happy is a little caffeine. (In a pinch, old people swearing or children crying at inappropriate moments will do as well. What can I say? I'm a rat bastard sometimes.)

The day from that point on was a hyperactive blur. I think I gave a few of the park Cast Members a run for their in the Annoyingly Perky Department. I know FB was almost annoyed with me, but it's damn hard to kill his Disney buzz. Besides, how can you not laugh when a grown man yells, "Wheeeee!!!!!!" at the top of his lungs on a ride moving no more than 10 mph? At a certain point, I started calling park employees by their names. I think it creeped more than a few out, but nothing is freakier than those pin-trading people, so I'm sure I barely registered on the Walt Police's radar.

At the end of the day, everyone's feet hurt and we could barely hear ourselves breathe. It took me nearly two full days to recover. In other words, the day was a total success!

Coming tomorrow: Twas the night before Disneyland at the local karaoke bar. A ten year old and his siblings sing trashy pop classics from before they were born...don't miss it.


This post was sponsored by the WednesdayLand Committee.


Jake McCafferty said...

Seeing that photo reminds me of "The Birdcage," when Robin Williams keeps slapping Nathan Lane's outstretched pinky while he drinks water.

I must say, J, you're looking cute in that photo.

Jay Six said...

Jake - making a boy blush (on his own blog, no less) is a special kind of talent. Thanks for the lil' ego boost. It's much appreciated.

Matt S. said...

That sounds like it was so much fun! I can't wait to hear about the karaoke bar now!

Cute pic J!