Tuesday, February 07, 2006

"How was your weekend, Jay?"

It was a scream.

(The coaster to your left is called California Screamin' - I qualify on both counts. I stole this image from the preview screen with my digital camera - no overpriced trinkets for me! That's The Princess to my right. She said it was OK to use this pic. Also, you can barely make out the top of FB's head in the back. He looks decapitated.)

I had yesterday scheduled off to recover from FB's birthday weekend. When we resume our regularly scheduled programming (probably tonight), look for these and other exciting stories:

- "Family Karaoke" at a local watering hole (you have not lived until you've seen kids singing "Love In An Elevator" and "Baby Got Back").

- A trip to the O.C. that didn't suck. For those non-locals: that's only ever true if you're headed to the Happiest, Gayest, and Most Expensive Place on Earth.

- Jay's good karma (how in the hell did I earn any of THAT?) pays off big time.

See you on the other side of the loop.



Matt S. said...

YAY! Happy late B-Day to FB!!! Sounds like it was a scream--haha! Pun intended! I can't wait to read all the great stories!

Jake McCafferty said...

They killed Kenny, I mean, FB!