Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Like The Vest?

Last week, I was out of commission here for many reasons - the most exciting and legitimate one being that The Little Prince (a dear, queer friend who lives in Minnesota - check last June's posts for a detailed account of my visit) was in town. The ensuing few days were a haze of junk food and laughter the likes of which I hadn't experienced in sometime. I met the lucky guy he's seeing and then the two of us had a slumber party and my place. We ended my share of the visit by attending a taping of The Ellen Degeneres Show in beautfiul Burbank, California - a few miles from my place. The picture of me to the left was snapped in Ellen's bathroom. OK, in the NBC studios bathroom they let her audience use. I imagine hers is much nicer and has a lock on the door. I haven't seen the episode yet. There may be embarassing footage of me dancing to "Ain't Nobody" on the repeat that airs on Oxygen tomorrow night.

Anyhow, LP's visit got me thinking about my friends - the ones who I see a lot of, the ones I almost never see, the ones I've lost or who've lost me, and the ones I keep meaning to call/email/carrier pigeon a message to but never get around it. I've really spent the last three months in a virtual cocoon (or a Butterfly Cave, for those of you who've been reading that long). I've kept mostly to circles I've run in for a very long time and focused on getting myself together. A more consistent workout routine, better budgeting, not to mention the whole mental health issue - you name it, I've been trying to be more adult about it. But the time has come to poke out of that chrysalis and say, "To Hell with it - I'm not dead yet and it's time I started acting like a 28 year-old." (I do, after all, have only a few months left to say that...)

So in addition to usual taking over the world agenda, I'll be returning phone calls, emails, telegrams, telepathic signals and anything else I've tucked into my "To Do" file. I'll finish reading all 7 books sitting on my nightstand before March is over. And I'll write here more consistently than recently. After all, the few of you who read and comment so nicely are like friends, too. I owe you the courtesy of something to roll your eyes at.

Is it just me or does the mirror shot above make me look extra paunchy? I swear my mid-section's coming along better than that. Stupid camera phone making me all self conscious about missing Pilates last night...

See? I'm almost back to normal.

Night all! The Ambien CR's kicking in early...


This Post Was Sponsored By The Rededication Committee.


Pimpin' said...

Nice vest... is it made from puppies?

Could Heloise go for Zach?

Jake McCafferty said...

Sweaters tend to do that to people. Or maybe they just do it to me. And, now, you.

If I visit L.A., will you take me to Ellen?

Jay Six said...

David always catches me in a reference to The Simpsons - I didn't even mean to this time! And to answer your question: I bought it at Urban Outfitters for $5 on clearance and it was made it China. Connect the dots.

Jake - You schedule the trip and I'll make an Ellen visit happen. The promise of you in the flesh might even draw FB out of hiding!