Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Just Say Baa...

When it all comes down to it, despite my wanna-be punkish leanings, I can be as a good a sheep as anyone else. To that end, two weeks ago I let down my resistence and joined a growing trend army. I've done this before and will again, no doubt. I'm sure all of you have, too. No matter how hardened our resolve to stay "individual" or "original" (laughable concepts when you really think about it), everyone caves into peer pressure and decides to go with the flow once in a while. We justify these things to ourselves in all sorts of ways. Usually the rationale goes something like one of the following:

A) "Everyone else is doing it, but I'm way cooler than them. So it'll be different when I wear a FauxHawk."

B) "I actually listen to the Strokes new CD, unlike all of those posers out there who just bought it to impress their music geek friends."

C) "I don't care what anyone thinks. Pink polos are cool and I liked them before Carson Kressly & Kanye West made them OK."

D) "MySpace is more addictive than crack. How could I resist stalking people who barely remember my name or what I look like or how much money I left on the dresser?"

I am readily guilty of three out the four listed offenses (you'd never catch me dead with anything the Strokes have done, unless it's that kick ass Christina Aguilera mash-up). And I've got another to add to my list. I have a good set of reasons, but first I should come clean. Two weeks ago I became one of the Pod people.

Yes, ineedy, I bought an iPod. And I didn't go small (why would anyone willingly do that?!?!?), either. Oh, I stopped short of the 60GB model - I don't need a handheld device that shames my crappy old computer's (Sorry, Dad! I know you built it with love and for free a long time ago...) memory, after all. But I did go for the next model down. It's black and holds 30GB, or approximately 7500 songs.

I'm not sure how many porn vids that translates into, but I hear that's the big thing now. Me? I just wanted to be able to tune out inane conversations at the gym, read on the subway without hearing people chatter on their cell phones, and get some of my work done without the phone interrupting me every two seconds. And I am a music whore from way back. I own over a 1000 cds and at least a hundred old vinyl albums. I bore my friends to tears with stupid little factoids about the difference between the Nelson Riddle arranged Capitol version of a Sinatra tune versus the later Billy May-helmed Reprise take of said song. (That glazed over look most of you just got? Natural. They give me the same stare.)

And it's not like I spent money I didn't have for spending. I waited until I got a $200 check for the successful implementation of an process improvement at work. (Don't ask what it was - you'd just get the glazed over look again.) So I really spent about what I would have on an iPod shuffle for an obviously superior model. I named him Isaac. Isaac the iPod. Yes, I name treasured objects. Don't judge me - the Bible says not to.

How did anyone ever survive without being able to listen to the Carpenters in the middle of a workday?!?! "I Won't Last A Day Without You" has become something of a love them for Isaac and myself. I think I made myself clear - don't judge me.

Well, I'm off to put my headphones and sleep. G'night kids!


This post was sponsored by the Earbud Assimiliation committee.


Robert Allen Zimmerman said...

If you weren't gay I would totally make out with you. You know, I don't care. Let's go make out and talk about how great owning an Ipod is. And when my girl, clad in pink, who is known as Cab Sav makes a move on Isaac, let it happen. Nothing is cuter than Ipod babies. We would be amazing parents.

Matt S. said...

I name everything dear to me too, it makes the relationship that much more special!

Yay for the new iPod!

Jake McCafferty said...

No Ipod here. Of course I still think eight-track is cutting edge. As for the storage space, an hour of video typically takes up about 1 GB -- depending on the resolution/quality. So, about 25 porn movies. Or enough to keep you in business for a month. (Or FB for a week.)

lady t said...

Little Sister has an IPod(she's more of a music person than me)and she would probaly use it to smite you for your MySpace habit. The only times I checked out MySpace was for the Carver's blog(really should've figured out his identiry sooner but I was clinging to the hope that Sean went all Sybil Slasher on everybody)and to look at the Harry and the Potters band info(my favorite song of theirs was "The Wrath of Hermione:).

Ry said...

I held out on the whole iPod thing as long as I could, but then someone gave me one as a gift, forcing me into the cult. So I like to think that it's not my fault.