Wednesday, November 23, 2005

The Week In Reviews! Day 3:
Harry Potter & The Goblet of Fire

OK, so we've done live "theater" and music so far. The time has come for a movie review. But really, it'll just be a review of the moviegoing experience. The movie is great but I won't spoil it for the handful of you interested folks who haven't seen it. Suffice to say, the Harry & Ron sex scene doesn't disappoint...

(And I can just say how hard it was not to make a Thanksgiving joke out of that title? The Giblet of Fire or
The Gobble-It of Fire were both contenders but ultimately I decided to waste your time by putting it here, instead. Tee hee! )

Before actually going into the theater, my group (the roommate, her boyfriend and her younger brother and sister) ventured into the Barnes & Noble next door. It wasn't long before the obligatory celeb sighting occurred. Indeed, Steve from Sex & The City was there - barely taller than me and very gray with a closer cropped haircut than I"m currently rocking (yes, I got tired of growing my hair out and shaved it last weekend. It's been a hit, oddly...) But once you get your nightly celebwatch out of the way, it's time to hit the stadium seating.

Our hopes were raised when we arrived and were the only people seated. Lil' Bro made shadow puppets and played around with the stupid ads for real estate before people finally started filtering in. Seriously, how many people see a 10:40p showing on a Tuesday? Apparently a lot - including the people next to use who brought their four-year old (she might have been three). Even my child-hating ass felt sorry for this little girl who was obviously up way past her bedtime. Halfway through the trailers, my roommate displayed her greatest superpower: The Tattle Tale of Death. She was gone from her seat only long enough to miss the Superman Returns trailer (a thing of beauty, really. This geek nearly cried!). She returned in time to witness the manager follow the dad down the stairs as he took the child to the restroom. He returned less than a minute later alone. Now, I don't understand Tagalog, but I distinctly heard the word "complained" as he ushered his wife out in shame. Score one for the girl who pays half the rent.

Other than that, the most profound observation I have to offer is that the state of animated films is in the toilet. A Madagascar rip off - I know, so soon? - called (Over The Hedge) and some stupid penguin adventure where every voice sounds like Robin Williams are all I remember. Here's hoping Disney and Pixar kiss and make up pronto. Oh and that fake animated trailer about the plucky eagle who rescues her father turns out to be an "Turn down your cell phone, idiot!" ad. If only they had a, "Silence your child (or God forbid, get a sitter!) lest J's roommate bitchslap you" ad. King Kong looks like some darn good CGI work, but how can you tell this story in anything more than an hour and a half? Still, that fight with the T-Rex looks pretty cool.

But we all know that Superman, even the Tom Welling version, could beat them both up. Seriously, I'm choking up a little right now...


This post was sponsored by the The Cryin', the Witch, and the Homo Committee.

1 comment:

lady t said...

I didn't see the Superman Returns trailer when I went to HP&TGOF but they did show during the last Smallville and it does look promising:)