Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Hola, kids! I took an double extended weekend feel much better for it. Can anyone else believe how soon Thanksgiving will be upon us? I sure as hell can't, but there is a great post coming here on Thanksgiving Day. Tune in - I promise you won't be disappointed or your money back. I'll be shaking my booty to the new Madonna disc (good, but not consistently great, IMHO)* while doing some Fall cleaning for tonight. I leave you with this:

While wandering the aisles at my local shopping center the other night, I stumbled upon something in a Christmas aisle which made me think of our good friend Jake:

The shelf was full of stuff that had nothing to do with the season in question, so I have no idea what the ornament was supposed to be, but if I were coming out with Cher-inspired Christmas products I would call the line Do You Believe? and it would definitely include A Three Kings music box that plays "Gypsies, Tramps, & Theives" (I once heard this song on a player piano at an old-fashioned ice-cream parlor. Classic.) And a Nativity Scene snowglobe that plays "I Found Someone." And a Holy Family nightlight that plays "I Got You, Babe."

OK, I'll stop now before I'm instantly condemned to hell (as opposed to that gradual slide I'm ewpecting...). Unless I think of more. Then I'll post 'em.


*For a differing opinion of Confessions On A Dance Floor, go here. As soon as she gets the birthday present I sent her, my sister should have a glowing review.

This post was sponsored by the Ho! Just 40 Shopping Days Left. Ho! Committee


Robert Allen Zimmerman said...

Seriously, I can attest to the fact that upon review (4 pills into an evening of grossness) Hung up loses it's appeal. I heard it yesterday while getting into bed and I had a flashback. I don't know if I will ever be able to listen to that CD again.

Matt S. said...

Were the ornaments multi cultural? It clearly says assorted colors? Is there a different Cher for each country? If so I must have them, all 194 of them! I bet they each look like little Cher versions of the Ms. Universe pagent each one dressed up in a different countries garb.

Jake McCafferty said...

No Christmas talk before my favorite holiday of Thanksgiving!

But since you brought it up ...

I must have Cher ornaments. My tree is perfect and color-coordinated with my house, so I'd prefer deep maroon and darker greens please. Oh, what the hell, I'll take whatever they have.

Another ornament idea: "Song for the Lonely" with Christ on the cross. There, I said it. We'll be in hell together.

Jay Six said...

Jake, I was so trying to find something for "Song For The Lonely" - leave it you to come up with that genius. Now if I could only get "A Different Kind of Love Song" out of my head!