Friday, November 25, 2005

So we end as we began...

The Week In Reviews, Day 5:
The Week In Reveiws

That's right, folks, I'm so lazy that I'm going to do a review of five (ok, four) days of reviews. I justify this because A) I'm lazy - were you not reading a second ago? and B) It serves as a good recap post for those who may have missed this week because of the holidays and such.

Monday we discussed Jane Austen, or more specifically a high school production of Pride & Prejudice. I considered paying to see the movie and compare the two, but I still say Keira Knightley owes my nudes of Orlando Bloom. Also, because my little aside about Bridget Jones' Diary, I had a a dream this week where I beat up Renee Zellweger. Hardly a fair fight as I eat three square meals a day, but I felt better when I woke up. (Can I say that?!?!) Grade: A.

Tuesday I went into Kurt Loder-lite mode, weaving two music reviews into one post. I kinda lost the plot halfway through this post, possibly because I was listening to both CDs and shaking my booty and/or singing loudly as I typed. Still, any excuse to give a shout out to Cyndi Lauper is good enough for me. She's seriously underrated. And that damn Madonna CD is growing on me by the day. I can't help but bounce to "Jump" and "Push" brings out the Justin Timberlake wanna-be B-Boy in me. Just when they thought I couldn't get any gayer... Grade: B-.

Wednesday we ventured to the movies. I do really think this was my favorite Harry Potter adventure yet. I'm no fanatic and I haven't read the books, but I really enjoy these movies. The onset of puberty at Hogwarts is a little dusturbing, but one you get over how pretty Hermione is getting or the fact that Harry has armpit hair, it's a rollicking good time. The beauty of that Superman Returns trailer didn't hurt. And neither did my roommate getting those people kicked out of the theater for bringing their child to a 10:40p showing. Grade: A.

Thursday was a big day. For those of you joining just for the recap, this was not only Thanksgiving, it was my year anniversary as a blogger. Granted, many of those first months had maybe a post or two, but pobody's nerfect. And I would be remiss (as I was in that post), if I didn't thank FB: for his invaluable contributions, for being the only reader for those first few months, and for pushing me to blog in the first place. I know you guys miss him and I do, too, even though I get a ten posts worth from him on the phone every few days. T-Day left me pretty tired and I worked today, so this post lacked a true synopsis of a great feast with lots of funny characters. That's coming Monday, as it did last year. Grade: B+.

So, yes, today's post was lazy, but actually a lot of fun to write. I always struggle on Fridays, especially since nobody really reads and I post later than most folks read on normal days. Here's hoping those of who weekend-read or early-morning Monday read enjoy this. I'd give it a B- for spunk and laziness coming together, meaning the week looks better than most of my report cards ever did. I'm gonna treat myself to ice cream for this one - Score!

See you Monday, kids. I hope every gets a restful, leftover-filled weekend. Only a month of shopping days left! (Sorry, I couldn't resist.)


This post was sponsored by the Wanna Be Boy Committee.


lady t said...

Good reviews,Jay and Happy Belated Blogoversary!

Matt S. said...

Happy blogoversary J! I am sorry I haven't had a chance to read sooner, I have been out of town for the holiday.

I can't wait to hear more about your t-day, sounds like it was a blast!

Jake McCafferty said...

Indeed, happy one year. I swore I posted this last night, but apparently I didn't.