Monday, April 03, 2006

Glib, Glab, whatever....

If you've ever been vaguely curious about what I look like up close (and don't say I didn't warn you...), this Friday at iCandy is the place to find out. You can marvel at how short I am, how teenage my skin looks (in both good and bad ways) and at how much you never thought my speaking voice would sound like it does based on my writings. Oh, and a bunch of other bloggers and their friends will be there, too. Mostly to meet me.

But seriously - there are worse ways to spend a Friday night than a little socializing with the gays. As someone who has perfected all of those "worse ways," I highly recommend coming out (so to speak) for a good time.

I 'll snap more than a couple pics for your perusal next Monday - and be sure to check other L.A. blogs for possible blackmail fodder to be used against me at a later date...


This post sponsored by the City of Anything But Angels Committee.

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