Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Aw, Snap!

So sue me - I'm a little photo crazy lately. What's the use in having a camaraphone if you don't capture all of the little moments in life you can't fully put into words? Take, for example, the picture to the left: Recently, while tagging along to watch everybody's favorite fashionista fabric shop, I went to use the facilities. I don't know exactly why I expected something above prison-level quality from a fabric store, but I did. Instead I came face-to-face with a Defcon 7 shade of pistachio green paint. It didn't even have the courtesy to be chipping. And this seriously was the dirtiest john outside of those horrific ones they have at the beach (I give those leeway since they're practically outdoors). On the plus side, that Malcolm in the Middle look I'm giving translated semi-cute. And what it is it with me posting pictures from random bathrooms? I think this is at least the third.

Oh! Before I forget, I've got another couple HomoMojo reviews coming up shortly. Tomorrow night, I'll be reviewing here! TV's latest. It'll probably be my last post as "The Groom" - I think it'll just make more sense to make JaySix the universal code name for cool.

In other news: it's in times like this that I am perfectly content to be among the non-driving set. On my salary, if I had a monthly car payment, insurance, and gas to worry about (not to mention the inevitable repairs), breaking even would be a joke when rent and bills come due. How would I ever afford the occasional comic book or feed my toy addiction? And on a night like tonight, when I found a weekly pass (retail value: $14) just lying on the sidewalk outside of my gym, I can't help but think that the transportation gods are sending me a sign to stay put, so to speak.

Speaking of the gym (man I suck at transitions tonight!), the way too young total cutie who works at a local eatery is totally ignoring me after a few weeks of flirty attention. I'd bumped into him a couple of times at the gym and we were always friendly. Like I said: Way. Too. Young. (No, seriously, he looks to be my sister's age or younger...), so I wasn't considering anything beyond the occasional smile, but still it sucks to be snubbed now. He loves co-worker - we'll still call her Amanda, A. for short - and tells her it's good to see her again when she comes in. She even gets the occasional 10% discount! I can barely get him to muster a "Hello" that involves eye contact anymore. I have no idea what I did to offend short stack, but I did it. What a guy I am sometimes. As I told A. at lunch today, "It's a good thing I'm on the Prozac. I can't even keep my imaginary boyfriend happy."

And that's all I can muster. I'll pull double-duty tomorrow with the review and a post here. Tune in to see if I can keep it together!


This post was sponsored by the Porcelain Goddess Committee.

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