Monday, December 27, 2004


The first post-Christmas post is also the much, much requested debut "Friends" post. More specifically, it's the Best Friend post. (And it's a holiday tie-in, natch!)

My best friend - FB for our purposes here - is easily the funniest person I have ever met. Inappropriate to be sure, but that's kind of his shtick. We dated briefly in his late teens/my early twenties. So, yeah, we've done the Fleetwood Mac thing. He's the Lindsey Buckingham to my Stevie Nicks. (He'll try and tell you otherwise, but every Lindsey is in denial about his role...). Thelast two years have easily been the most important of our time as friends. 2003 was about a shift in my professional life and living space. 2004, more than any year I can think of was filled with a lot of personal change. Through it all, my best friend and I grew as people and grew closer as a result. Everyone should be as lucky as I am, though I know almost nobody who is.

This year, FB shared with me some the best gifts in recent memory. I avoided all family & friend Christmas get-togethers and hid out, watching TV, including:
  • Miracle on 34th Street - in B&W, not colorized, thank you.
  • Boomerang's "A Very Jonny Questmas" marathon.
  • BBC America's The Office Special.
  • How the Grinch Stole Christmas.
  • A Charlie Brown Christmas
  • The Birdcage (is it me or is this never off the air?)
  • The Judy Garland Christmas Special ("gayer than Christmas" joke, anyone?)

Some traditional, some offbeat to be sure, but it was what I wanted for Christmas and it's what my best friend gave me. Nothing wrapped in a bow could have compared. Here's hoping everyone has a safe New Year and if you don't have a FB, that you find one. Mine's taken.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Finally!!! Indeed!!!! i just about stopped dropping by this site anymore. i felt my simple request was being denied. and no man denies me, or any of my manly needs!!!!(cue music, "Whatever Lola Wants") but joking aside, was i joking?, um... yeah, i loved this post. it gave me everything i wanted and needed....well except for, wellllll, maybe some more on QB's likes and dislikes. i think his dislike list will be a long one. maybe you should change this journal into a fansite for your bestfriend. how nice. i love the idea. go with it!!!! TAh TAh, TiT's and Flea Powder!!!!!!