Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Sorry for the delay, kids – I forgot that the tornado known as my family was coming into town as of last Thursday. It’s an interesting thing – having a roommate in the process of moving in and having your family come and take over your living room, kitchen, bathrooms (my mom redecorated the downstairs john – she even bought candles!). On the one hand, it’s great to have Mom do grocery shopping. On the other hand, I like to curse a lot more freely – and not worry about running the washer because somebody’s in the shower. A family visit wrap-up could be coming soon – although who knows, we’re heading to Vegas to celebrate this prodigal son’s birthday. In the meantime, let’s finish up that long overdue San Francisco post:

After the fun that was Martuni’s (actually, to be there on showtunes night was downright odd) we headed. At one point, the piano man burst out into “Hello Dolly!” – naturally it turned into a sing-along. While getting hit on by that lovely and confused girl, I apparently missed his impression of Bette Davis singing “Over The Rainbow.” Doesn’t get much gayer than that, folks. We called it a night after a couple of drinks and wandered ourselves down to a local all-night diner. The drill from here is pretty much the same as always: sit, talk, philosophize, joke around, get tired, head home.

As I was washing my face, I couldn’t help but bring up the attempted girl-on-girl action of the evening one last time: “I still can’t believe I was hit on by a lesbian.” Dear, sweet, tipsydrunk FB’s response was surprisingly nice: “Princess is probably right – it was low lighting and the girl was probably drunk.” Before I could utter a “thank you” he continued, “Also, all of that damn metal in your ear couldn’t have hurt.” Have I mentioned how much I love having a brutally honest best friend?

The rest of the weekend was a blur of coffee, chocolate, and clam chowder. We saw one of our favorite baristas - it turns out he moved up to SF and works at the Coffee Bean in Ghiradelli square. In a show of moderation - I spent only $80 at H&M (as is my style, I got some cute undies). And we crossed the Golden Gate Bridge and took a trip to Sausalito. (I even walked the bridge! Proof the meds are working...)

Oddly, I wasn't sad to leave when the time came to go - I was just happy to have had the time off. We spent the last day talking about our lives and directions of some delicious & cheap pizza and salad. Life doesn't get much better than that.

Now if only FB would stop calling me a lipstick lesbian...

Later tonight: The Return of Racist Foods (and Friends)!


This post was sponsored by the Committee.

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