Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Wednesday: Post 1oops!!

I've been so thrown off this week. It's a rough life, with all the days off I've taken in the last month. This week is my first full workweek since mid-May. I woke up on Monday and almost stayed in bed - not out of laziness, but out of habit. I also managed to fast forward a week in my head. I thought Superman Returns was releasing today and that my plans for a midnight-ish screening were for last night. Thankfully, I figured that one out before trekking down to Hollywood. I'd hate to be like those Star Wars fans who turn movie lines in a geeky Woodstock. (They pass around six-sided dice and licorice instead of drugs...)

Also, it's the first day of summer and I haven't even started a tan yet. The parts of me that hide from the sun are ghost white. If you think you've seen scary, you've never glimpsed me below the ankles. Seriously, I've got to get some sun. Of course, I have to be in decent enough shape to go out shirtless in the sun before I can tan. So I'm a gym slave for the time being. Which wouldn't be so bad if I weren't constantly being cruised by the two groups of men I don't have anything in common with: really old men or teenage boys (aka the Baby Gays). So, either I look younger than I am (which, sadly, I don't think I do anymore) or I look like a pedophile. I'll continue to delude myself that I just look that good when I'm sweaty and blasting Cyndi Lauper on my iPod.

I'm sure I'll have more after cruising the elderly and pre-pubescent tonight.

UPDATE: I can't believe I forgot to mention this - Wienerschnitzel is bringing lunch to my work on Friday!!! I hope they have a Wienermobile like the Oscar Meyer truck....I'll SO take a dirty picture with it.


Jay Six said...

And with good reason. I rarely walk around barefoot at all and hate sandals. I'll wear flip flops in the locker room of the gym, but for the most part, my feets be covered at all times. At least by socks. I usually sleep with them on!

Jake McCafferty said...

Just say no to feet!

OK, I sent FB an e-mail. We're considering visiting LA the first part of August. Any insight on these hotels:

-- Chamberlain West Hollywood
-- Hyatt West Hollywood
-- Le Montrose
-- Grafton on Sunset
-- Le Parc