Monday, March 20, 2006


...and, no, this about another Undies Weekend. I kept my pants on for the most part on Saturday & Sunday.

I got the chance to screen Summer Storm, a sweet film that here!TV will be showing and which is getting a run in some American theatres after a successful run on the festival circuit. My HomoMojo review can be found here. Show me some love and I'll buy you a drink if I ever get the chance. :)

I'll be back with a real post tonight!



Jake McCafferty said...

Not only did I comment, I left you a question.

That's two drinks ...

Jay Six said...

Thanks, Jake! Let's make a whole round...

I'm answering your question here. The actor who played Achim was born in Hamburg, according to IMDB. I dunno what his background is, but he was adorable in the movie...for a straight guy.